Plaza and dining areas, outdoor seating, lighting, and other amenities for community use
Reclaim Fairmont Ave as a publicly accessible bicycle and pedestrian paseo
Family-oriented, pet-friendly areas and an engaging landscape design
New Park & Open Spaces
Revitalize Gateway Park at the corner
New park and open space with connected retail, restaurant, and amenity space
Beautifully Designed
Downtown-style urban character and residential-facing units with townhouse/rowhouse-style character with stoops, individual entries, canopies, and porches
Enhanced pedestrian experience and non-vehicular circulation
Ground floor frontage of visible, accessible entrances and pathways from the street and human-scaled design elements
Sensitive height and setback transitions to adjacent structures and the residential neighborhoods
Upper stories of buildings stepped back to reduce visual bulk
Improved Environment & Parking
Eliminate traffic on Fairmont Ave
Reduce noise and pollution and increase the safety of the area for residents
Underground parking
On-site trash receptacles are loaded and unloaded on-site and not within public rights-of-way
Conceptual Drawings & Preliminary Floor Plans
Click Image To Enlarge
This is a 3D visualization from El Camino Real
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This is a rendering looking from Castro St, looking toward the direction of the corner at El Camino Real (on the right).
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Rendering of the paseo currently where Fairmont Street exists.
Click Image To Enlarge
Another rendering of the view looking through the paseo
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The street is Hope Street facing El Camino
New facade and colors are not illustrated here
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Unit Floor Plans
Studio (979 SF)
2-Bedroom (1,884 SF)
Click Image To Enlarge
Unit Floor Plans
1-Bedroom (890 SF)
2-Bedroom (2,069 SF)
Click Image To Enlarge
Unit Floor Plan
3-Bedroom (3,378 SF)
1-Bedroom (1,384 SF)
Click Image To Enlarge
Unit Floor Plans
2-Bedroom (2,048 SF)
2-bedroom (1,696 SF)
Click Image To Enlarge
This shadow study sheet represents the impacts of the building's shadows cast at the indicated time of day and year.
Development & Current HQ: 843 Castro St, Mountain View CA
Disclaimer: This design is preliminary and is subject to change. Conceptual rendering are indicative. This project been submitted to the City of Mountain View. Fairmont Avenue is the property of the City of Mountain View.